Pavel Durov, the Russian-born entrepreneur, is best known as the founder of Telegram, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms. Often called the “Mark Zuckerberg of Russia,” Durov first gained fame by creating VKontakte (VK), Russia’s largest social network. His innovative ventures and privacy-first approach have made him a tech icon and a self-made billionaire. Here is a look of Pavel Durov net worth.
What Is Pavel Durov’s Net Worth in 2025?
As of 2025, Pavel Durov’s net worth is estimated to be $18 billion (approximately ₹1.48 lakh crore INR). His wealth primarily comes from his stakes in Telegram and his successful exit from VKontakte.
How Pavel Durov Built His Fortune
VKontakte (VK)
Pavel co-founded VKontakte, which became Russia’s leading social network. After selling his stake in 2014, he received around $300 million, which helped fund his next major project—Telegram.
Telegram’s Success
Telegram, launched in 2013, has grown to over 1 billion users worldwide. The platform’s focus on privacy and security has attracted millions, especially during periods of global censorship concerns. Though Telegram is free to use, it introduced Telegram Premium and other monetization strategies, significantly boosting Durov’s net worth.
Tech Investments
Durov has made strategic investments in tech startups and cryptocurrency, further expanding his fortune.
Real Estate and Other Assets
Known for his minimalist lifestyle, Durov owns properties in Dubai, France, and Finland. His $25 million penthouse in Dubai is one of his most prominent real estate assets.
Lifestyle and Philosophy
Pavel Durov leads a nomadic lifestyle, rarely staying in one place for long. He follows a strict vegan diet, practices fasting, and advocates for simplicity in life. Durov famously wears all-black attire and avoids alcohol and caffeine.
Durov is a supporter of digital freedom and privacy rights. He has donated millions to open-source projects and organizations promoting free speech and digital privacy.
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