Marca MP is a renowned musical ensemble known for its captivating renditions of regional Mexican music genres like banda, mariachi, and ranchera. Founded in 2018 by four close-knit high school friends in sunny California, USA, this dynamic quartet comprises Pedro Vargas, fondly known as El Chato, the charismatic lead vocalist; Esteban Salcedo, who skillfully handles the tuba; and the talented guitarists, Diógenes Bojórquez and Julio Torres.
Their musical journey began with performances at intimate private gatherings, lively street events, and joyous wedding celebrations across southern California and the northern regions of Mexico. They even had the honor of opening for some of the genre’s most celebrated acts.
In 2019, Marca MP catapulted to stardom with their debut single, “El Güero,” a collaboration with the acclaimed Grupo Firme. This musical gem quickly became Mexico’s most-watched online video of the year. Since then, the band has delighted fans with a series of captivating live albums, including “Despegando el Vuelo,” “En Vivo Desde el Maelcon: Sold Out,” and the cherished “Las Preferidas” collection.
Not stopping there, they’ve also crafted studio albums that have struck a chord with their audience, featuring titles like “No Me Quejo,” “Flores,” “Brindo,” and “Aunque Digan.” Among their hit tracks are favorites like “Ya Acabo,” “Te Apuesto,” “Recuerda,” and “Cheko León.”
Marca MP is proudly affiliated with Music VIP Entertainment, an independent record label that specializes in promoting regional Mexican music talents. For the latest updates, tour dates, exclusive merchandise, and direct contact, you can visit their official website at Additionally, the band maintains an active presence on popular social media platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
Their live performances are renowned for their energy and passion, and their original, catchy compositions have garnered them a dedicated fan base that wholeheartedly supports and revels in their music.