Three Days Grace, a prominent Canadian rock band, has deep-rooted origins that trace back to the small town of Norwood, Ontario, where they initially formed as “Groundswell” in 1992. This humble beginning saw Groundswell performing at local Norwood backyard parties and various area establishments. However, the band faced a brief disbandment in 1995, only to regroup in 1997 under the name “Three Days Grace.”
The band’s heart and soul, based in Toronto, featured the original lineup of guitarist and lead vocalist Adam Gontier, drummer and backing vocalist Neil Sanderson, and bassist Brad Walst. A significant turning point came in 2003 when Barry Stock joined as the band’s lead guitarist, completing the quartet. In 2013, a pivotal change occurred as Gontier departed the band, making way for the arrival of Matt Walst, vocalist of “My Darkest Days” and younger brother of Brad Walst.
Currently, Three Days Grace is proudly signed to RCA Records and boasts a rich discography of seven studio albums: “Three Days Grace” (2003), “One-X” (2006), “Life Starts Now” (2009), “Transit of Venus” (2012), “Human” (2015), “Outsider” (2018), and their most recent release, “Explosions” in 2022. Notably, their first three albums achieved significant RIAA certifications in the United States, with “Three Days Grace” going 2× platinum, “One-X” reaching 3× platinum, and “Life Starts Now” attaining platinum status. In their home country of Canada, these albums earned platinum, triple platinum, and double platinum certifications from Music Canada, respectively. The United Kingdom also recognized their second album, “One-X,” with a silver certification from the British Phonographic Industry. On the charts, Three Days Grace has enjoyed 17 No. 1 songs on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and secured 3 No. 1 hits on the Alternative Songs chart.
Early years (1992–2002)
The band’s journey began as “Groundswell” in Norwood, Ontario, back in 1992. Under this moniker, they released a full-length album titled “Wave of Popular Feeling” in 1995. The album featured notable singles like “Eddie,” “Poison Ivy,” and “Stare.” The band’s roster during this phase included lead vocalist Adam Gontier, drummer Neil Sanderson, bassist Brad Walst, lead guitarist Phil Crowe, and rhythm guitarist Joe Grant. It’s worth noting that most of the band members were still in high school when Groundswell took shape. However, by the end of 1997, the band faced a temporary disbandment.
In 1997, the key trio of Gontier, Sanderson, and Walst reformed as “Three Days Grace.” According to Gontier, the name encapsulates a sense of urgency, questioning whether someone can effect meaningful change in their life if they have just three days to do so. The band’s relocation to Toronto brought them into contact with local producer Gavin Brown, to whom they entrusted several years’ worth of their creative material. Brown meticulously selected what he termed “the golden nuggets,” and with his guidance, the band polished these songs, resulting in a demo album.
This demo album was shared with EMI Music Publishing Canada. The label’s interest was piqued, prompting the band to create the powerful song “I Hate Everything About You,” which garnered attention from several record labels. Ultimately, Three Days Grace found their home at Jive Records after being sought out by the company’s president, Barry Weiss. In addition to the Jive Records signing, the group inked a deal with Zomba in 2002, solidifying their trajectory in the music industry.